NOTE: This department administers their own placement exams. These are not found on the Harvard Placement Exam platform. In most cases the result will be communicated to you via email and will not appear in my.Harvard.
All Placement exam information including registration instructions and times of exams can be found on the NELC placement exam page. For general information, please contact NELC’s Director of theNELC language placement website. Modern Language Programs (DLP), Dr. Nader Uthman.
Spring Placement Exam Dates:
Arabic: Friday, 28 March at 10 am in CMES House (38 Kirkland St). Registration required.
Hebrew (Modern): March 28 at 10:00 AM in Vanserg Building, Room 123. Registration required.
By Arrangement:
Persian: Please contact Nicholas Boylston to register and for more information about the Persian placement exam.
Turkish (Modern): Please contact Meryem Demir (Preceptor, Modern Turkish) to register and for more information about the Turkish placement exam.
Turkish (Ottoman): Please contact Himmet Taskomur (Senior Preceptor, Ottoman Turkish) to register and for more information about the Turkish placement exam.
Yiddish: Please contact Sara Feldman (Preceptor, Yiddish) to register and for more information about the Yiddish placement exam.
If you are interested in Albanian or Kurdish, please contact
NELC Advising Contacts
Arabic: Nader Uthman |
Armenian: Lisa Gulesserian |
Hebrew (Modern): Ran Bechor |
Persian: Nicholas Boylston |
Turkish (Ottoman): Himmet Taskomur |
Turkish (Modern): Meryem Demir,
Yiddish: Sara Feldman |
The Near East Languages and Civilizations Department offers courses in several languages. For a full list of languages visit the department website.