A closed laptop on a desk.

What to Expect

You are encouraged to take placement exams in each of the academic areas you hope to explore.

Background photo of a student desk with closed laptop and glasses resting on top.

Incoming students will take the Math and Writing exams beginning in May. After the Math and Writing exams have been completed, you will have an opportunity to take the Chemistry and Biology exam as well as exams in several languages*. The recommendations generated from these exams can be useful as you begin planning your course of study.

Before the exams open you will want to make sure you have registered for the necessary Harvard systems and applications, set aside sufficient time, and have a sense of what the exams entail. 

*Students planning to take their first course in a language at Harvard, who have previous experience studying that language, must take the placement exam. You will need your course recommendation to register for the appropriate language course and instructors will ask for the exam result.

View of a student using a braille terminal next to a keyboard.

Exam Accommodations

The Disability Access Office (DAO) is the primary point of contact for undergraduate students seeking reasonable accommodations for a disability. You are encouraged to work with the DAO to discuss any potential accommodations you may need for the exams. Please note that if you have already registered with the DAO to receive accommodations for your coursework, you will also need to request accommodations for placement exams. Do not begin the exams until your accommodations have been approved and are in place.

Contact DAO

General Exam Information

What systems, applications, and technology do I need for the exam?

You will need: 

  • A computer (do not use a phone or a tablet as they are likely to lead to technical issues accessing the exam) 
  • Reliable high-speed internet 
  • Up-to-date web browser that can handle sound files 
  • To access the online placement exams, you must first activate all of the Harvard applications and systems:  Set Up Your Accounts (Harvard College Email, HarvardKey, Two-Step Verification) 

Please contact placement-help@fas.harvard.edu if you do not have access to these resources. 

How long will the exams take?

With the exception of the Writing exam, each of the exams will require that you finish them in one session. Make sure you have set aside enough time to complete. 

  • Math (required): This exam consists of three 30-minute parts (maximum of 90 minutes), to be taken consecutively without a break in between each section.  Calculators should not be used during the exam.
  • Writing (required): This exam should take 2-3 hours to complete. Students will be given up to 5 hours to write responses (usually 2-3 paragraphs each) to several questions.
  • Chemistry and Biology (recommended): This exam consists of two 45- minute parts (90 minutes total) with two sections, Chemistry and Biology.
  • Languages (recommended): Depending on the language, these exams range from 90 minutes to 3 hours. 

How do I prepare my workspace?

You do not need to study for these assessments. The Academic Resource Center recommends the following strategies when preparing  your  workspace and yourself for remote learning and exams: 

  • Wherever possible try to create a dedicated workspace in a quiet place 
  • Clear off a flat surface where you can sit or stand to work
  • Keep everything you will need nearby (notebook, post-its, pen, pencil, water, etc.) 
  • Communicate to those around you about your need to focus 
  • Sign out of social media and turn off notifications 
  • Do your best, and communicate with placement-help@fas.harvard.edu about any challenges you are facing as soon as possible.

What do each of the exams include? What are they like?


What: This online exam consists of three 30-minute parts (maximum of 90 minutes), to be taken consecutively without a break in between each section. Part I is required and you are encouraged to complete Parts II & III if you have studied the relevant materials previously. 

  • Part I—number sense, fractions, algebra, elementary functions, and functions and graphing (30 minutes) 
  • Part II—differential calculus and elementary integration (30 minutes) 
  • Part III—integration, series, and differential equations (30 minutes) 

Why: The exam will provide a recommendation for a math course, but also offers useful information for taking courses in other areas of study as well. 

These exams should be completed without a calculator. 


What: In the Writing Exam, students will write responses (usually 2-3 paragraphs each) to several questions designed to assess their experience with analytical writing, their familiarity with the elements of academic argument, and their typical writing process. A significant component of the Writing Exam consists of the student’s self-assessment of their skills and their preparation as writers. The exam should take 2-3 hours to complete; the exam will be open for each student for 5 hours. In order to have the full 5 hours, students must begin the exam at least 5 hours before the exam closes at 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on the last day of the exam period. If the exam is not submitted by that deadline, access to the assessment is closed.

Why: The exam is designed to assess your experience with analytical writing, familiarity with the elements of academic argument, and typical writing process. The exam will provide a recommendation for which expository writing course to take.


What: Depending on the language, these exams range in length from 90 minutes to 3 hours.  Exams in four languages (French, German, Italian, and Spanish) are available on the Harvard Placement Exam platform. All other language exams are administered by the individual language departments.

Why: You should take a placement exam in any language with which you have prior experience and intend to study at Harvard.         


What: This exam consists of two 45 minute separate parts that will focus either on the basic concepts of chemistry or biology. It is 90 minutes total in length.

Why: If you are interested in taking chemistry or life sciences courses, these exams will provide you with helpful advice about where to start. 

Suggestion: We recommend that you take this exam and complete both parts, regardless of your prior science background. Introductory life science courses at Harvard integrate concepts from both chemistry and biology, so the combined results will provide you with the most useful course recommendations.