Taking the Exams
Background photo of student’s hand writing in a notebook in front of their open laptop.
On This Page
All incoming first-year and transfer students are required to take the Math and Writing exams. An exam in Chemistry and Biology as well as several language exams will also be available to students who are planning to take courses in these fields. Incoming first-year and transfer students will register for each exam they plan to take and complete the exam by the end of the exam period.
These exams are meant to provide students with recommendations for the most appropriate level of math, writing, language, and science courses to begin with. There is no need to study for these exams.

May 15-June 12
Required Exam

May 30 – June 12
Required Exam

June 21- September 9
Recommended Exam

June 21 – September 6
Recommended Exams
Exam Timing and Length
Students should plan ahead to make sure they have sufficient time to complete the exams. The length of each exam varies according to subject area.
Math (required)
This exam consists of three 30-minute parts (maximum of 90 minutes), to be taken consecutively without a break in between each section. Do not close the exam before you are finished with all parts you plan on completing. This exams should be completed without a calculator.
Writing (required)
Students will be given a 5- hour period of time to write responses (usually 2-3 paragraphs each) to several questions. The exam should take 2-3 hours to complete; the exam will be open for each student for 5 hours. In order to have the full 5 hours, students must begin the exam at least 5 hours before the exam closes at 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on the last day of the exam period. If the exam is not submitted by that deadline, access to the assessment is closed.
Languages (recommended)
Depending on the language, these exams range from 90 minutes to 3 hours.
Chemistry & Biology (recommended)
This exam consists of a 45 minute Chemistry section and a 45 minute Biology section. Both parts should be taken at once.
Rescheduling the Math and Writing Exams
Students are expected to take the Math and Writing exams during the exam period ending on June 12. In exceptional circumstances, students with legitimate unavoidable conflicts may receive extensions. It is in a student’s best interest to complete the Math exam by the deadline but students may access the exam beyond June 12 without petition. An extension to complete the Writing exam requires a petition for an alternative deadline, please go to the Online Placement Exam Registration (OPER) application. Once you’ve registered for the Writing exam you will see a “Request Change of Exam Period” button. The OPER application will open in mid-May.

Exam Accommodations
The Disability Access Office (DAO) is the primary point of contact for undergraduate students seeking reasonable accommodations for a disability. You are encouraged to work with the DAO to discuss any potential accommodations you may need for the exams. Please note that if you have already registered with the DAO to receive accommodations for your coursework, you will also need to request accommodations for placement exams. Do not begin the exams until your accommodations have been approved and are in place.

Required: Math and Writing
Math: The math exam consists of three 30 minute sections. The parts are meant to be completed at the same time within a period of 90 minutes. Before you begin this exam make sure you have reviewed the exam details to know if you should move on to part II after completing part I.
Writing: Students will be given a 5- hour period of time to write responses (usually 2-3 paragraphs each) to several questions. The exam should take 2-3 hours to complete; the exam will be open for each student for 5 hours. In order to have the full 5 hours, students must begin the exam at least 5 hours before the exam closes at 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on the last day of the exam period. If the exam is not submitted by that deadline, access to the assessment is closed.
Exam | Date Open | Date Closed | Link to Exam |
Math | May 15, 2024 | June 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM | ACCESS THE MATH EXAM |
Writing | May 30, 2024 | June 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM | ACCESS THE WRITING EXAM |

Recommended: Languages and Sciences
Exam | Date Open | Date Closed | Link to Exam |
Languages* | June 21, 2024 | September 6, 2024** | ACCESS THE LANGUAGES EXAM |
Chemistry & Biology | June 21, 2024 | September 9, 2024** | ACCESS THE CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY EXAM |
** This close date is a priority deadline strongly suggested by the academic departments in order to successfully register for a course. The exam will remain open until September 13.
All Language Placement Exams
Select a language to find departmental contacts and more information about each placement exam.